It’s a nice song, from an even nicer movie.
If you haven’t seen “About Time” then go watch it cause it will make you stop and think (and the soundtrack is fire) and probably cry too.
My best friend was so inspired by it that he even took one song for his first dance at his wedding…
But back to the hills and the gold.
What does it mean?
Well, basically it means that those hills you're looking at have gold in them.
You just don’t realize it.
Maybe your drive by them every day.
Or maybe you drive through them every day.
Or maybe you even talk to them every day…
And you might say “I never saw any gold”
But that’s because you didn’t really look.
You don’t really dig for it.
If you haven’t caught on yet then I’ll spell it out for you.
“Them’ hills” are a metaphor.
Them’ hills are your life, your circumstances,
the people around you.
We often pray and ask for more and that’s fine and good.
But a lot of the time what we really need, what we really want (the gold) is pretty close at hand. And the truth is we wouldn’t see if it smacked us in the face, cause we are always the piner who’s pining (wishing) and never the miner who’s mining (working on whats in front of us).
At least that’s the case for me.
You can insert what you like into this be it business opportunities, relationships, or breaths of fresh air.
It might seem frustrating but at the end of the day, there’s probably something that seems small or unimportant that you’re skipping over in search of something else that you think bigger and brighter… don’t be so sure.
Some days the hills get grey, sometimes they even stay that way for a while…but every once in a while the sun breaks through and you know without a doubt that them’ hills are filled with gold and you wished you would stop forgetting how damn rich you are.
Go for gold,
P.S. I experienced this very thing in about 3 different ways today, how about you?